E-Commerce Valuation Calculator [2024 Multiples]

Instantly calculate the value of your E-commerce business using up-to-date e-commerce valuation multiples:




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Simple E-Commerce Valuation Formula

Valuation ($) = Yearly Profit ($) x Multiple
The valuation of e-commerce companies is typically calculated by multiplying the EBITDA (fancy word for yearly profit) with a multiple.

In this e-commerce valuation calculator, the multiples on profit range from 0x (0% profit margin) - to 12x+ for business with a profit of 5m+ with a strong brand.

The factors that influence your e-commerce startup's valuation (next to revenue) are various. Click here to scroll down to the 7 most important ones.

E-Commerce Profit Multiples Over Time (2019 - 2024)

These are the recent profit multiples based on established companies on the S&P 500. As you can see, there were clear increases in e-commerce valuation during the recent pandemic:

Source: S&P Capital IQ, Carlsquare analysis

7 Factors Influencing Private E-Commerce Valuation Multiples

If you own a private e-commerce company, you might be able to achieve an exit based on revenue multiples. Buyers are open to this discussion, when your company fits the following 7 factors:

Revenue multipleLess than 1xMore than 2x
1Yearly revenue growthLess than 20%More than 40%
2Recurring customersLess than 20%More than 40%
3Profit marginLess than 10%More than 15%
4LTV/CAC (Lifetime Value divided by Cost per Acquisition)Less than 3xMore than 4x
5Market position / brandLimitedStrong
6Management teamLess experiencedStrong
7Breadth of offering / target groupsNarrowWide

Source: Carlsquare analysis

3 Ways To Increase Your Private E-Commerce Company Valuation (2024 And Beyond)

The market of e-commerce has shifted in the recent years. The marketing strategies that have worked 10 years ago will not necessarily work now. Here's what I recommend you focus on:

Profit is king.
Brands are the future.
A product that delights customers.

Would You Like Me To Mentor You To Increase Your E-Commerce Business Valuation?

Hi, I'm Lorenz. 👋

I've founded BoxRope.com, along with a good friend of mine. We took it from $0 revenue per year to now $1m+, with a recent valuation of $2m - $3m.

  • Our return on ad spend is 6.2 - 7x.
  • We're highly profitable with a profit margin of 31%.
  • We've worked with one of the biggest niche celebrities (boxers such as Devin Haney & Teofimo Lopez) - and even Conor McGregor follows us.

In short, our company is optimized for a high valuation by building a brand.

Do you want me to help you do the same? Fill out the form below to see if you qualify:

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